Paul Krugman


Paul Krugman is an American economist and columnist best known for his work on international trade and... Read More Paul Krugman

Raj Chetty


Public economist Raj Chetty’s innovative use of “big data” has transformed our... Read More Raj Chetty

Nicholas Lemann


Journalist and author Nicholas Lemann began his career as a 17-year-old writer for an alternative weekly... Read More Nicholas Lemann

Alondra Nelson


Alondra Nelson is an acclaimed sociologist, policy advisor, author, and researcher who explores questions of... Read More Alondra Nelson

Kimberlé Crenshaw


Kimberlé Crenshaw is a leading authority in the areas of civil rights; Black feminist legal theory; and... Read More Kimberlé Crenshaw

Samantha Power


Samantha Power has been recognized as a leading voice internationally for principled American engagement in... Read More Samantha Power

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