Our bimonthly journal of research

The ANNALS of the AAPSS addresses society’s most important problems and concerns with high-quality research.

First published in 1890, The ANNALS took its current form in 1914: each of our bimonthly volumes takes up a particular social challenge or phenomenon, mustering research and evidence to illuminate it in ways that advance science and public policy.

Current Volume

Confronting Poverty: Measuring Its Causes, Costs, and Consequences

Volume 711, January 2024

Special Editors: Leslie McGranahan and Diane W. Schanzenbach

This volume investigates a range of topics about poverty: its measurement, policies intended to alleviate it, and the role of the economy in the likelihood of being in poverty. Conceived as a tribute to Rebecca Blank after her 2023 passing, the volume also explores topics of special interest to Blank, including financial aid policy, the evolving roles of women in leadership, and more.

From the Archives

Reconsidering Culture and Poverty

Volume 629, May 2010

Special Editors: David Harding, Michèle Lamont, and Mario Luis Small

In this volume, sociologists David Harding, Michèle Lamont, and Mario Luis Small reject the earlier view that people would cease to be poor if they simply changed their culture. Instead, they point to new research that reconsiders the ways in which “meaning-making” factors into the production and reproduction of poverty.

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